flying saucer propulsion
This is a book titled : Propulsion Mystery of Flying Saucers, Spheres, Discs Solved.
Magazine size Book 8 1/2 x 11 inch.
Containing 92 pages.
4 cover pages of color.
Having 62 drawings and illustrations.
The Book with the technical part of the patent application explains and describes a new type of propulsion engine able to imitate the flight of flying saucers and other UFO's.
Such flying engine is needed to replace rocket propulsion, which is not practical or efficient for space exploration for lack of fuel, concerning long-range flights and return operations.
Space exploration is in line with space exploitation, and the life span of humans is too short for such projects in a serious way.
The Book also mentions that with the advancement of DNA technologies, should be made in that direction in parallel with propulsion technologies. Finding the mechanism to shut down. aging would create the realistic astronaut.
The question remains: Are we created
with a mechanism of evolution and a
mechanism to limit life span?
A chapter in the Book describes, from experiments, a new look on the phenomenon of magnetism, and explains in a realistic way why no singular magnetic pole can be realized. In short, a new explanation of the phenomenon of magnetism.
There are two options to buy the Book online, as follows: Canadian Dollars
OPTION 1. Price: $19.00 plus $5.00 postage and 2 weeks delivery. At present, Option 1 is not available.
OPTION 2: Price: $17.00 getting the Book 8 ½ x 11 inches in loose sheets off your printer *A new way of publishing, no postage fee, no waiting, do your own binding with rubberized glue and tape, or use an electronic version.